Data nasa oco-2


These data have been produced by the OCO-2 project, and are provided freely to the public. In order to improve our product and have continued support for this work, we need user feedback and user acknowledgement of data usage. Therefore, we request that when publishing using OCO-2 data, please acknowledge NASA and the OCO-2 project.

In 2013, CO 2 levels surpassed 400 ppm for the first time in recorded history. The OCO-2 data show that not all densely-populated urban areas have lower per capita emissions, however. Cities with major power generation facilities, such as Yinchuan, China, and Johannesburg, had higher emissions than what their population density would otherwise suggest. "The satellite detects the carbon dioxide plume at the power plant, not at the city that actually … OCO-2 Level 0 spacecraft attitude data V10 (OCO2_Att) at GES DISC. Version 10 is the current version of the data set. Older versions will no longer be available and are superseded by Version 10. The Orbiting Carbon Observatory is the first NASA missiondesigned to collect space-based measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxidewith the precision, resolution, and coverage … OCO-2 Data Product User’s Guide – Version H May 1, 2017 L1B and L2 Version 7 1 1!

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This version of the L2 Product is release 9.0 (V9) and has been processed based on version 8.0 (V8) of the OCO-2 Level 1 and Level 2 algorithms, but with a new processing that updated the ABP, IDP, Met and XCO2 Lite products. brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. OCO-2 is an exploratory science mission designed to collect space-based global measurements of atmospheric CO 2 with the precision, resolution, and coverage needed to characterize sources and sinks (fluxes) on regional scales (≥1000km). OCO-2 will also be able to quantify CO 2 variability over the seasonal cycles year after year. Scientists poring over data from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 mission are seeing patterns emerge as they seek answers to questions about atmospheric carbon dioxide. Atmospheric CO2 Concentration (06/01/2017 - 07/02/2017) The OCO-2 project uses the LEOStar-2 spacecraft that carries a single instrument.

ACOS data to be released after the launch of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) in July 2014. The retrieval algorithm used to create the Build 9 ACOS data product is consistent with that used to create the OCO-2 v9 data product, described at length in O’Dell et al. (2018).

Data nasa oco-2

NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) is a key core capability in NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems Program for archiving and distributing Earth science data from multiple missions to users. The findings were announced at a NASA teleconference on Thursday, October 12, held to coincide with the publication of five papers on OCO-2 data published Friday, October 13, in the journal Science. Oct 12, 2017 · NASA/JPL-Caltech . Data from NASA's OCO-2 satellite has helped researchers determine that a strong El Niño season between 2015 and 2016 led to a record spike in global atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Jul 02, 2014 · Solar Arrays Deploy Successfully to Complete OCO-2 Launch. The OCO-2 spacecraft deployed a pair of solar arrays on schedule to begin charging its batteries in orbit about an hour after the launch of the mission aboard a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Data nasa oco-2

13 Oct 2017 data over North America from 12 August 2015 to 26 August 2015. Movie S1: Results of the assimilation of OCO-2 XCO2 data into a atmospheric CO2 over the tropical Pacific Ocean: Findings from NASA's OCO-2 mission 1 Apr 2015 The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) Project at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data  18 Dec 2014 Now NASA scientists have shared the first global maps created using that data, showing one of the most detailed views of CO2 ever created. CO2  12 Oct 2017 "It's a lot more data than has ever been collected," says Eldering, who serves as OCO-2's deputy project scientist. "And the fun is in the details of  1 Jul 2014 OCO-2 Launch.

Data nasa oco-2

There is much … “The initial data from OCO-2 appear exactly as expected; the spectra lines are well resolved, sharp, and deep,” said OCO-2 chief architect and calibration lead Randy Pollock of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Data nasa oco-2

USE IF OBSERVING: CO … NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) is a key core capability in NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems Program for archiving and distributing Earth science data from multiple missions to users. This bar indicates that you are within the EOSDIS enterprise which includes 12 science discipline-oriented Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) … 17/02/2021 It incorporates three high-resolution spectrometers that make coincident measurements of reflected sunlight in the near-infrared CO2 near 1.61 and 2.06 micrometers and in molecular oxygen (O2) A-Band at 0.76 micrometers. The three spectrometers have different characteristics and are calibrated independently. is the dataset-focused site of NASA's OCIO (Office of the Chief Information Officer) open-innovation program. There are also and for APIs and Code respectively.

OCO-2 is an exploratory science mission designed to collect space-based global measurements of atmospheric CO 2 with the precision, resolution, and coverage needed to characterize sources and sinks (fluxes) on regional scales (≥1000km). OCO-2 will also be able to quantify CO 2 variability over the seasonal cycles year after year. Scientists poring over data from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 mission are seeing patterns emerge as they seek answers to questions about atmospheric carbon dioxide. Atmospheric CO2 Concentration (06/01/2017 - 07/02/2017) The OCO-2 project uses the LEOStar-2 spacecraft that carries a single instrument. It incorporates three high-resolution spectrometers that make coincident measurements of reflected sunlight in the near-infrared CO2 near 1.61 and 2.06 micrometers and in molecular oxygen (O2) A-Band at 0.76 micrometers. The second Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) mission is designed to provide space-based global measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide with the precision and resolution needed to identify and characterize the processes that regulate this important greenhouse gas.

Data nasa oco-2

Jun 25, 2020 · KEN JUCKS -- Graphic 2 Changes in carbon dioxide (CO2) abundances from a model that is highly constrained by data from the NASA OCO-2 mission from the previous three years compared to 2020 for three separate times. These very small changes are expected. These data have been produced by the OCO-2 project, and are provided freely to the public. In order to improve our product and have continued support for this work, we need user feedback and user acknowledgement of data usage.

OCO-2 Videos. Discover More. NASA Climate. NASA GES-DISC DAAC.

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Discover More. NASA Climate. NASA GES-DISC DAAC. NASA Worldview. On October 10, 2018, OCO-2 released the latest version of the Level 2 (L2) data Product.